Jamie Wood
Project Manager
Jamie is a lifelong Maritimer having been born and raised in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). From early on, he always enjoyed doing hands-on-tasks. Jaime quickly found his passion for construction related work by using power tools and operating equipment. Once he realized he could make a career from these interests, he turned his hobbies into daily work. His knowledge has come from on-the-job training, supplemented by various training courses taken to further his expertise in the industry.
Jamie started his career in the construction industry 15 years ago with a Dartmouth based demolition company as a General Labourer. After proving himself to his superiors, he was promoted to the role of Site Foreman and later moved up to Site Supervisor. After 10 years with this company, Jamie felt he had moved up the ladder as high as he could, but felt he had more to offer in the world of demolition.
Jamie then joined Volcano in the role of Site Superintendent and quickly began learning new tricks of the trade. It didn’t take long for his strong knowledge and work ethic to be noticed and was given the opportunity to take on the role and responsibilities of Project Manager. He has thrived in this position since taking it on and is excited at what the future holds for his career at Volcano.